A Tale of Two Tomatoes- Organic Tomatoes
"For years we've been saying the older we get, the less we understand. Rotheraine's explanations for what we are looking at when we see his giant tomato plant is an example of this.
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Biodynamics Brings the Gift of Learning to the Garden
How in the world does that plant get so tall? Where did the Selke Biodynamic Cherry Tomato come from? These and other questions are answered by L.A. Rotheraine who gardens local and thinks global when it comes to biodynamics.
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在世界那棵植物怎么得到很高? Selke Biodynamic 蕃茄何处来自? 这些和其它问题由庭院地方和认为全球性的L.A. Rotheraine 回答当它来到生物机能学。
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Highlands Star Seed - 2011 Biodynamic Organic Cherry Tomato Challenge
Biodynamic tomato seeds. 2000 tomatoes per plant on the Selke Biodynamic Cherry Tomato, and the RC Ratatouille, and the Pear-Plum are the best tasting, most prolific tomato producing plants you'll ever grow.
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Garden of Wonders - Evergeen Elm uses unique methods to get amazing results - New!
Chinese Simplified Version
奇迹庭院 |
Winners Again!
Updated for 2006
As biodynamic vegetables continue to show their superiority in this manner, as compared to the other systems of food production, the whole world wins.
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更新在2006 年
当biodynamic 菜继续显示他们的优势这样, 与食物生产比较其它系统, 全世界赢取。
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Sludge to Fertile Soil!
In May of 1996 the Bradford City Water Authority, of Bradford, PA, with a special waiver from the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), embarked on an unique sludge conversion project.
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Atlantis, Ireland, the Brain, and Horn Manure
Strange as this concept seems to the 20th century, biodynamic science is a new form of the primeval wisdom given to humanity by spiritual beings that contemporary humanity calls angels and ancient civilizations called gods.
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Biodynamic Pioneers: Rudolf Steiner and Ehrenfried Pfeiffer
In an earlier view of nature (ancient times) it was recognized that relationships exist between certain cosmic constellations and the various plant species.
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The City With Golden Garbage
One morning in October, 1950, two strangers walked into the office of Tony Dalcino, president of the Oakland Scavenger Company, with a proposition that turned Dalcino’s casual smile into a look of utter disbelief.
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The Hibernian (Irish) Mysteries as Key to Understanding Biodynamic Agriculture
A perceptive study of world cultures shows that ancient civilizations knew how to use the formative heavenly forces in science, art, architecture and agriculture-all manner of earthly endeavors.
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The Hibernian Mysteries, Part II
If mankind with their present state of knowledge were suddenly obliged to create, from the comparatively few plants of the primeval epoch of the earth, the manifold variety of our present fruits and fruit trees, they would not get very far. We should not get far if it were not for the fact that the forms of our different fruits are inherited.
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The Hibernian Mysteries, Part III
“Why do I say that the agricultural individuality is standing on its head? For the following reason. Take everything there is in the immediate neighborhood of the Earth by way of air and water-vapors and even warmth...
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Rotheraine's Organic Tomatoes | rotheraine.com |
Throughout the 1991 television newscast of the Selke BD Cherry Tomato Plant, I tried to explain that the BD Compost Starter and BD science — from the preps to our calendar — enhance the processes that Aristotle described to Alexander...
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The Atlanteans could control what one calls the life force. As today one extracts the energy of heat from coal and transforms it into motive power for our means of locomotion, the Atlanteans knew how to put the germinal energy of organisms into the service of their technology...
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The Hibernian Mysteries (Part VI)
In 1924, Rudolf Steiner gave us the science that utilizes the spiritual etheric forces. The biodynamic preparations bring the spiritual etheric forces into the service of practical life.
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Worms and Leprechauns
“There is no coincidence that the words human and humus are related and the Bible reminds us that from dust we came and to dust we shall return...”
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Paradoxes: The Green Thumb of Bradford
No one who knew LA. Rotheraine when he was growing up in Burholme, PA in the late Fifties, or when he was known as "Speed" Rotheraine as a touchdown-scoring quarterback at Northeast High School in the early Sixties.
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Gardening, "Death", and Resurrection
Part One
Francis Klock: "Just think of the money people would save on food with a genetically engineered animal-human race of slaves! This is what large companies will do. It is horrible."
Rotheraine: "The ancients did this very thing with their system of agriculture. This is the reason God destroyed Atlantis and Sodom and Gomorrah."
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Gardening, "Death", and Resurrection
Part Two
Once humans knew that they came from and lived in a spiritual world before birth and returned to it at "death." We knew "death" did not exist for humans. We knew we were immortal.
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Gardening, "Death", and Resurrection
Part Three
In his book, Cosmic Memory, Dr. Rudolf Steiner is quite clear that a sophisticated knowledge of agriculture existed hundreds of thousands of years ago on Atlantis.
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Gardening, "Death", and Resurrection
Part Four
"...humans still could use the forces of growth and reproduction of animal and human nature for their own purposes.."
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Organic Tomatoes
Biodynamics vs Monsanto
The speech on genetic engineering by the medical doctor/gardener became heated when I questioned him about his conclusion that genetically engineered seeds were superior to open pollinated seeds.
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The thoughts of Francis Klock
Success Story
Kim Benjamin, executive director of the Bradford City Water Authority, tells us about how Bradford has become a model for other cities in transforming barren ground into fields of winter wheat, oats, fescue and rye grasses.
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Earth's Gardening Angels
Ancient humanity had an instinctive knowledge of this life-giving energy and how to use it.
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The Messiah - Seed of Renewal
"Because Lucifer and Satan had worked into human souls, a false idea of death had transpired. A true aspect of death had to be given to us ( the Resurrection)…To give us the true aspect of death, that was Christ's mission."
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Pennsylvania Retreat Discovers Biodynamic Vegetables
Glendorn is a 1280-acre estate located near Bradford, PA. It is a privately held camp of the great Adirondack style and is owned by the Dorn Family who operate it as a luxury retreat. Over the course of last summer many of Glendorn’s menus have featured exclusive use of Biodynamic produce.
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宾夕法尼亚撤退发现Biodynamic 菜
Glendorn 是1280 英亩庄园位于在布雷得佛附近, PA 。这是巨大Adirondack 样式的一个私下被拿着的阵营和由操作它作为豪华撤退的Dorn 家庭拥有。在去年夏天中许多Glendorn’s 菜单以对Biodynamic 产物的专属用途为特色。
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Biodynamics Brings the Gift of Learning to the Garden
Evergreen Elm's Melissa McGuire with a green cabbage.
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A Biodynamic Gardening Experience
Ratatouille tomatoes weighing in at over three pounds and pear-plum tomato plants 9 feet tall drooping with fruit bear witness to L.A. Rotheraine's claim that his special seeds and hilling system increase yields.
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Directions for Use of Biodynamic Preparations #502 to #507 in Compost or Manure Piles
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Brief Directions For The Use Of The Biodynamic Sprays – Horn Manure (500), Horn Silica (501), and Horsetail (508)
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Use of Barrel Compost
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