|  LA Rotheraine with the Selke Biodynamic Cherry Tomato Plant 洛杉矶Rotheraine与泽尔克樱桃番茄生物动力厂 | A Tale of Two Tomatoes 番茄的两个故事 Genetic Engineering versus Stellar Enhanced 基因工程与恒星增强 (Monsanto versus Biodynamics) (孟山都与生物力学) by LA Rotheraine 由LA Rotheraine This article originally appeared in Lilipoh 这篇文章最初出现在 Lilipoh Category: Genetics, Biodynamics (Stellar Enhanced), Genetic Engineering, Intelligent Design分类:遗传学,生物力学(星增强版),基因工程,智能设计
"For years we've been saying the older we get, the less we understand. Rotheraine's explanations for what we are looking at when we see his giant tomato plant ( Selke BD Cherry Tomato ) is an example of this. The explanation may not be to our liking, but regular agricultural science does not have any other explanation for why the plant becomes so large despite the genetic limitations that normally are attributed to it" ( See "The Hibernian Mysteries" also. ) “多年来 , 我们一直在说 , 我们得到的老,少 , 我们理解。为我们正处于当我们看到他的大番茄( 樱桃番茄泽尔克屋宇署 )寻找Rotheraine的解释是这样的一个例子。解释不得我们所喜欢的,而且是定期的农业科技没有任何工厂为什么变得如此之大 , 尽管其他的解释 , 通常是由于它 的遗传限制 “( 见”希伯尼安之谜“也。) Grant Nichols, Bradford Journal , February, 1992. 格兰特尼古拉斯, 布拉德福德杂志 ,1992年2月。
It is tragic that western agricultural science has forgotten about the energy interchange between the heavens (macrocosm) and earth (microcosm). 可悲的是 , 西部农业科技拥有大约之间的天空(宏观)和地球(微观)能量交换遗忘。
This science gives us the opportunity to learn to harvest the energy from the whole universe - the opposite of atomic energy. 这门科学使我们有机会去学习收获 , 从整个宇宙的能量-原子能的对面。 Biodynamics gives science a real intelligent design. 生物力学让科学真正的智能设计。 All microcosmic (earthly) life is but a result of heavenly (macrocosmic) activity . 所有的微观(属地)的生活 , 只不过是 天(宏观)活动 的结果。 This concept, once known, has been forgotten in our times. 这个概念,一旦知道,已被遗忘在我们的时代。 The invention of the microscope and the subsequent discovery of microorganisms were primary elements in leading us to a one-sided view of life. 显微镜的发明和后来发现的微生物是在带领我们到一个片面的生命观的主要因素。 This trend of thinking, focusing on the smallest particle, pervades all the scientific disciplines of the twentieth-century. 这种想法的趋势,在最小的粒子为重点,贯穿于所有学科20世纪。 It dominates agricultural concepts. 它主宰农业的概念。 This belief that dead, inorganic chemicals have the same nutritional content when added to the soil as organic matter stems from this type of thinking. 这份信念 , 死了,无机化学品具有相同的营养成分时 , 添加到土壤有机质从这样的想法造成的。
The addiction to microcosmic earthly thought has reached a certain extreme in genetic engineering of tomato seeds. 对微观地上的思想成瘾已达到番茄种子在基因工程的某些极端。 Lucille Salitan, an expert in farm and food research states: "The seeds (genetically engineered tomato seeds) were treated with mercury to ensure a higher percentage germination and every year some of this mercury leeches into the soil, and gets incorporated into the plants... The fields were first fumigated with methyl bromide, a chemical 100 times more destructive to the ozone layer than CFC. A chemical fertilizer which destroys millions of beneficial microorganisms per square inch was added to the soil with the seeds, and the boxed tomato was gassed with ethylene chlorodhydrin (a strong chemical) in order to turn it red. ( From Tomato as an Economic Metaphor , Mankato State University, MN) 露西,在农业和食品研究的美国专家Salitan:“种子(转基因番茄种子)被汞治疗 , 以确保较高的发芽率和入土壤 , 每年这个汞水蛭一些,让你进入植物中。 ..第一个领域是甲基溴熏蒸,化学100倍 , 而不是破坏臭氧层的氟氯化碳。阿化肥而破坏了每平方英寸的有益微生物数以百万计 , 增加了土壤的种子,而盒装蕃茄与乙烯chlorodhydrin毒气(强大的化学),以打开它的红色。 作为经济隐喻 ,曼凯托州立大学,明尼苏达( 番茄 ) There is an alternative science to that described above. 还有一个另外的科学认为 , 上述。 It is called Biodynamics. 这就是所谓生物力学。 We use this method in our little three-quarter acre mountainside garden in Bradford, PA the ice box of Pennsylvania - as a part of our horticultural therapy program. 我们利用我们的小三季度英亩的布拉德福德,巴勒斯坦权力机构山腰花园宾夕法尼亚冰盒 , 作为我们的园艺疗法计划的一部分-此方法。 The spectacular size and quality of the biodynamic vegetables produced over the past six years has the scientific community and the media watching very closely. 壮观的规模和在过去的6年生产的生物动力蔬菜的质量 , 科学界和媒体的密切注意。 So how do we produce such fine vegetables? 那么 , 我们如何产生这种细菜? How can anyone do the same thing? 有谁可以做同样的事情?
We alter the climate in the garden with the unorthodox use of the traditional bio-dynamic preparations. 我们改变与传统的生物非正统使用动态准备在花园里的气氛。 (See chart of BD Preps.) We use the Pfeiffer Compost Starter as a tonic water. (见图表屋宇署大版。)我们作为补品水法伊弗堆肥精简。 We water the roots of the plants to fix the nutrients and raise, add to, and purify the energy for the compost in which our plants grow. 我们水植物的根来修复养分和提高,增加,净化了我们的堆肥在植物生长的能量。 Horn silica is sprayed onto the plants to enhance light metabolism. 霍恩二氧化硅喷洒植物新陈代谢 , 提高光。 This stimulates the photosynthetic formation of chlorophyll, and thus color, aroma, flavor and shelf life of the food. 这刺激了叶绿素光合作用的形成,从而色,香,味和保质期的饮食生活。 In 1993, Hugh Courtney of the Josephine Porter Institute of Applied Biodynamics, suggested we add the juice of valerian flowers (BD preparation 507) to our preparation of horn silica. 1993年,休波特的约瑟芬研究所应用生物力学考,建议我们加入缬草的花汁(屋宇署准备507)我们的喇叭硅准备。 This we then sprayed onto the plants. 这是我们到工厂 , 然后喷洒。 He speculated that this would create an ethereal skin that would contain the vital energies the biodynamic preparations bring into our garden. 他推测 , 这会造成飘逸 , 皮肤会包含的生物动力的筹备工作将进入我们的花园的重要力量。 Using this mixture in 1993, we took 25 ribbons out of 27 entries (17 blue) at the McKean County Fair . 使用这种混合在1993年,我们花了25色带的27项(17个蓝色的麦基恩县交易会)。 This year (1995) we continued to startle the public by taking 34 ribbons out of 34 entries 27 first place blue in major vegetable categories. 今年(1995年),我们继续惊吓 , 采取了34项第一,27日在主要蔬菜类蓝丝带市民34。 The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture awarded the prize money. 宾夕法尼亚州的农业部门颁发的奖金。 They know our science is special! 他们知道我们的科学是特殊的!
UPDATE (We use the BD Field Spray both as a foliar spray, soil spray, and to make a clay dip for plant roots when we transplant them in the soil. Because of this, we no longer use the BD Compost Starter to in-water our plants.) 更新(我们使用屋宇署场喷雾 , 既作为叶面喷施,土壤喷雾,并为植物根系土浸在移植时 , 他们的土壤。正因为如此,我们不再使用该署首次在堆肥水我们的工厂。) The ramification of using new combinations of biodynamic preparations for the world's food chain and seed strains is awesome. 利用了世界的食物链和品种 , 生物动力准备新的组合的衍生物 , 是真棒。 Fruition is increased beyond normal capacities of climatic conditions, and seeds can be strengthened by reuniting them with their heavenly creative source. 开花结果是增加超出了正常的气候条件的能力,和种子可以通过与他们团聚的天堂创意源头加强。 Much as a photographer captures an image on film, we capture plant images from the heavens in organic matter. 很多摄影师捕捉作为电影的形象,我们捕获中的有机物质的天空植物图像。
Science must relearn what the ancient civilizations on the planet knew, and our Selke BD Cherry Tomato plants and seeds demonstrate - plants are small models of the stars and planets. 科学必须重新学习如何在地球上的文明古国知道,我们的泽尔克屋宇署樱桃番茄植物和种子展示-植物的恒星和行星的小模型。 Much as a photographer captures an image on film, we capture plant images from the heavens in organic matter. 很多摄影师捕捉作为电影的形象,我们捕获中的有机物质的天空植物图像。 Thus, we can say seeds and plants are the energy from the stars, frozen and molded into earthly substances - each species a model of a particular group of stars. 因此,我们可以说 , 种子和植物是从星冷冻,将地上的能源和物质成型-每一个物种的一个特定群体的恒星模型。 Our Selke BD Cherry Tomato seeds are stellar enhanced to grow in raw garbage - table scraps built in our organic hills and thrown on them during the growing season. 我们泽尔克屋宇署樱桃番茄种子是一颗恒星增强 , 增长原始垃圾-残羹剩饭建于我们的有机山丘和他们扔在生长季节。 They take advantage of this ancient wisdom - they are this ancient wisdom in practice . 他们利用这一古老智慧的优势-他们是这样 在实践中的古老智慧 。
Biodynamic agriculture was first introduced to the world in 1924, by Dr. Rudolf Steiner. 生物动力农业是首次向世界推出1924年,鲁道夫斯坦纳博士。 Degeneration of seeds and a search for ways to stop their decline led to lectures that have become the basis of biodynamic agricultural science. 退化的种子 , 也是一种方法来阻止其下降搜查讲座 , 已成为生物动力农业科学依据。 They are available today as the book called Agriculture (Josephine Porter Institute, POB 133, Woolwine, VA, 24185. (276) 930-2463) 他们是可利用的要求 , 农业部今天(约瑟芬波特研究所,平衡原则的133,伍尔瓦恩,弗吉尼亚州,24185。(276)930-2463本书)
The book Agriculture shows genetics and nutrition to be a consequence of life or vital force emanating from the heavens. 这本书表明 , 农业遗传学和营养是生命的重要力量 , 或从天产生的后果。 Steiner indicates "...when plants become foods they evolve in such a way that the substances in them become food for animals and humans, then Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, working via the siliceous elements are included into the process. The siliceous nature opens the plant to the wide spaces of the universe and awakens the senses of the plant being in such a way as to receive from all quarters of the universe the forces of the distant planets . From the sphere of the Moon, Venus and Mercury. . . it receives all that makes it capable of reproduction." 施泰纳指出:“...当食品厂成为他们发展的方式 , 在他们的物质成为动物和人类的食物,那么火星,木星和土星,通过工作的硅质要素纳入这一进程。打开的硅质性质对宇宙的宽广空间植物 , 警醒了以这种方式被植物的感官 , 以接收来自宇宙的各方面 的遥远行星的力量 。从月球,金星和水星的领域。。。它接收所有 , 它使生殖能力。“ " ..If you have apricots or plums with a fine taste, this taste, just like the color of the flowers, is a cosmic quality which has been carried right into the fruit. In the yellow apple, you are eating Jupiter, in the plum you are actually eating Saturn.." “..如果您有良好的口味杏或李子,这种味道,就像花的颜色,是宇宙的质量已进行到果肉的权利。在黄色的苹果,你是吃木星,在梅您实际上吃土星..“ "...thus we see Mars in the red flower, Jupiter in the yellow or white flower, Saturn in the blue flower, while in the green leaf the Sun itself...." “...因此 , 我们看到红色的花,黄色或白色的花,花的蓝色火星木星土星,而在绿叶太阳本身...."
Since plants attempt to replicate their heavenly image, changing the nature of the seed results in an impediment to such a heavenly replication. 由于植物试图复制他们天堂的形象,改变了在这样一个天上复制障碍种子结果的性质。
In the book Agriculture by Dr. Rudolf Steiner, Steiner states :在这本书中的鲁道夫施泰纳州农业: That which is imaged in the single plant, is always the image of some cosmic constellation.这是在单株成像,始终是一些宇宙星座的形象。 Say we plant the seed of some plant in the earth.说我们的一些工厂在地球植物种子。 Here in this seed we have the stamp or impress of the whole Cosmos - from one cosmic aspect or another.在这个种子,我们有印章或打动了整个宇宙 - 从一个方面或另一个宇宙。 The constellation takes effect in the seed; thereby it receives its special form.该星座发生在种子效应;从而获得其特殊形式。 (This concept was the inspiration for the drawing below, "STARSEED", by Robert Harrington. Click here for animation: The Biodynamic Aspects of the Heavens Creating Plants ) (这一概念是为下面的绘图灵感,“STARSEED”,由罗伯特哈灵顿。点击这里动画: 在生物动力的天堂创建植物方面 )

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This knowledge has been forgotten today.这方面的知识被遗忘今天。 But the farther we go back in human history the more humanity knew the above mentioned facts.但是,我们越是到人类历史的认识更加人性上述事实。
Steiner's student, Ehrenfried Pfeiffer, a noted biodynamic scientist stated in the preface of the 1977 edition of Agriculture: "The task was to reunite the plant, viewed as a system of forces under the influence of cosmic activities, with nature as a whole. Rudolf Steiner pointed out that many plants which had been 'violated,' in the sense of having been estranged from their cosmic origin, were already so far gone in degeneration that at the end of the century their propagation would be unreliable." 施泰纳的学生,埃伦弗里德菲佛,著名生物动力科学家在农业部1977年版序言中说:“现在的任务是统一的工厂,作为军队系统的情况看宇宙活动的影响力作为一个整体性质。鲁道夫施泰纳指出 , 很多植物已被'侵犯,在意义上'而被疏远他们的宇宙起源,至今已经在退化了 , 在本世纪的传播将是不可靠的结束。“
Twentieth century agricultural science is based on food grown from genetically altered and hybrid seeds, raised on large doses of chemical fertilizer. 20世纪农业科学的基础是转基因食品的种植和杂交种子,化肥对大剂量提高。 Since plants attempt to replicate their heavenly image, changing the nature of the seed results in an impediment to such a heavenly replication. 由于植物试图复制他们天堂的形象,改变了在这样一个天上复制障碍种子结果的性质。 Biodynamic science, the biodynamic preparations, and the Pfeiffer biodynamic Compost Starter and BD Field Spray enhance these natural energies. 生物动力科学,生物动力准备,堆肥法伊弗生物动力精简和BD场喷雾加强这些自然能源。 Why is the entire world not using the biodynamic super science to produce superior plants, seeds and animals? 为什么全世界不使用生物动力超级科学产生优质的植物,种子和动物? Biodynamics eliminates the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides and produces the healthiest food possible for animal and human consumption. 生物力学消除了对化学肥料或杀虫剂的使用和生产的健康食品对动物和人类消费的可能。 It cleans up the soil and garden atmosphere, creating a healthier climate for all who work in a biodynamic garden or farm. 它清除土壤和园林氛围,创造一个所有谁在生物动力花园或农活健康的气氛。 Most universities are unaware of this science. 大多数 的大学 并不知道这门科学。 Their approach to seed creation still bases itself on an addiction to microcosmic thought rather than macrocosmic (heavenly). 他们的办法 , 建立种子基地仍然在自己的瘾 , 而不是微观宏观思考(天)。 Microcosmic thought produces unnutritious foods that lead one to further addictions in the search for satisfaction. 微观思想产生unnutritious的食品 , 导致人们在寻找的满意度进一步瘾。 You can help change this by growing one plant! 你可以改变这种增长一厂!
The Selke BD Cherry Tomato plants and seeds demonstrate what can be done with plants if the biodynamic principles in Rudolf Steiner's book Agriculture are studied and put into practice. 屋宇署的泽尔克樱桃番茄植物和种子 , 表现出什么可以做 , 如果与植物鲁道夫斯坦纳在书中对农业生物动力的原则 , 研究并付诸实践。 They can grow twelve feet high and produce over 2000 delicious tomatoes per plant, if our organic hill is used along with planting and transplanting dates. 他们可以生长12英尺高 , 生产厂超过2000立方米美味西红柿,如果我们的有机山是用于种植和移植日期沿。 ( More Information on the Evergreen Elm Biodynamic Tomato Seeds. ) ( 更多信息关于长荣榆木生物动力番茄种子。) Credits: Biodynamics March/April 1995. 突出业务: 生物力学 3月/ 1995年4月。 Bradford Journal September 1994 布拉德福德 1994年9月期刊 L A. Rotheraine is the Master Gardener for the only government funded Biodynamic garden in the USA: Evergreen Elm, Bradford, PA 下载A. Rotheraine是唯一的政府资助的硕士加德纳在美国生物动力花园:长荣榆木,布拉德福德,巴勒斯坦权力机构
The exclusive distributor of Evergreen Elms' three biodynamic seed strains - the Selke Biodynamics Cherry Tomato, the Ratatouille, and Pear-Plum is Highlands Star Seed . 榆树的常绿'三个生物动力品种的独家分销商-生物力学的泽尔克樱桃番茄的料理鼠王,和梨,李子是 高原之星种子 。 (See also " The Hibernian Mysteries ") (另见“ 的希伯尼安之谜 ”)

Evergreen Elm's 1995 Blue Ribbon Vegetables from " A Tale of Two Tomatoes ."长荣榆木的1995年蓝带蔬菜从“ 一两个番茄的故事 。” 
The little orange dot on the PA-NY border is McKean County 橙色的小点上的PA -纽约边界麦基恩县
Chart of Evergreen Elm's Biodynamic Garden vs Traditional Agricultural Growing Methods in open competition at the McKean County Fair: * ** 长荣榆木的生物动力花园图与传统的农业种植在麦基恩县公平公开竞争的方法:* ** YEAR 年份 | ENTRIES 参赛作品 | RIBBONS 色带 | BLUE 蓝 (First Class Money) (第一类理财) | 1991 1991年 | 14 14 | 11 11 | 8 8 | 1992 1992年 | 21 21 | 18 18 | 11 11 | In 1993 Evergreen Elm's Master Gardener LA Rotheraine began experimenting with unorthodox combinations of the biodynamic preparations at the suggestion of Hugh Courtney * ** of the Josephine Porter Institute of Applied Biodynamics : 1993年,长荣榆木的主园丁洛杉矶Rotheraine开始筹备的生物动力非正统的组合在休考特尼* **的约瑟芬波特学院应用生物力学试验的建议: | 1993 1993年 | 27 27 | 25 25 | 17 17 | 1994 1994年 | 33 33 | 31 31 | 17 17 | 1995 1995年 | 34 34 | 34 34 | 27 27 | 1996 1996年 | 30* 30 * | 30 30 | 21 21 | 1997 1997年 | 30 30 | 28 28 | 26 26 | 1998 1998年 | 30 30 | 30 30 | 20 20 | 1999 1999年 | 29 29 | 29 29 | 20 20 | 2000 2000年 | 30 30 | 30 30 | 22 22 | 2001 2001年 | 29 29 | 29 29 | 24 24 | 2002 2002年 | 30 30 | 30 30 | 23 23 | 2003 2003年 | 29 29 | 29 29 | 14 14 | 2004 2004年 | 30 30 | 30 30 | 22 22 | 2005 2005年 | 29 29 | 28 28 | 18 18 | 2006 2006年 | 30 30 | 29 29 | 23 23 | 2007 2007 | 29 29 | 27 27 | 24 24 | 2008 2008年 | 29 29 | 28 28 | 20 20 | 2009 2009 | 29 29 | 29 29 | 21 21 |
* In 1996 Evergreen Elm decided to limit its number of entries to 30 when they realized that agri-growers growing fruits and vegetables could not compete against them when they used unorthodox combinations of biodynamic preparations. * 1996年,长荣榆木决定限制其项数到30时,他们意识到农业种植者增加水果和蔬菜不能对他们进行竞争,因为他们使用了生物动力学准备非正统的组合。 revised 7/12/06修改06-7-12
Copyright 2004 LA Rotheraine 版权所有2004洛杉矶Rotheraine First printed Biodynamic Journal & Lilipoh 第一印生物动力杂志及Lilipoh |