Biodynamic gardening includes a number of other practices. Among them is working with the biodynamic calendar, the Stella Natura. Biodynamic gardeners time their ground preparation, cultivation, planting and harvesting to be in harmony with the rhythms of the sun, moon and stars in order to enhance the health, vitality and success of their crops.
Biodiversity is another key element of biodynamic gardening. Cover crops, crop rotation, companion planting and non-genetically modified seeds all work together to draw beneficial insects and maintain crop and soil health. All of these practices work together to produce healthy foods that are filled with valuable trace minerals which are often missing from commercial produce.
Pest control, fertilization and soil revitalization are enhanced by specially-formulated Biodynamic Preparations. These unique concoctions, consisting of extracts of plants, minerals or manures, are applied at specific times of the year, usually in small, yet highly potent rates. Some are applied directly to the soil or compost while others are applied directly to the leaves of actively growing plants.
To learn more about biodynamic practices you may want to visit the Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association’s website . There you will find information about the philosophy as well as the science of this environmentally-conscious technique.
The biodynamic garden
Begs the Earth’s pardon
For the damage we humans have done.
Balance and vitality
Can be the reality
When we see the universe is one.
As we garden in rhythm
We heal the schism
From the connection the ancients knew.
Along with the stars
The Moon and Mars
We are all part of the cosmic stew.
Guest Author Ann Myers